Player Movement

A + D or Right and Left arrow  keys for player movement

Player Shooting

space to fire missile, there is a delay built in. So rapid fire is for advanced levels. 

The green and red enemy will die with one shot.

The purple enemy will die after being hit 3 times


Green Enemy - 50 points when in formation 100 when flying

Red Enemy - 80 points in formation 160 when flying

Purple Enemy - 100 points in formation and 300 when flying


The player has 3 lives and when you loose 1 life the player ship is ghosted out and unable to fire but it can be moved that way you have a better chance not to be killed upon reactivation.

Enemy Movement

The enemy is spawned along 4 different paths and into a moving formation from side to side. Once all the enemy have been spawned the formation swells from the center outwards by an amount relative to their position ie smaller in the center and more on the outside.

Once they are all in the formation they randomly fly out and down on a attack path randomly chosen from 4 different paths. 

Once they have flown down the attack path they are re-spawned at the top and fly back into formation

Enemy shooting

At the beginning levels only the purple enemy fire missiles and they only do this when flying.

Game play

Once all the enemy have been killed a message with the next level appears on the screen and a fresh lot of enemies are spawned

Development log

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